How to Use Clonex & Root Riot Root Cubes to Make Perfect Clones

Cloning is a great way to propagate plants quickly and easily. It is especially useful for plants that are difficult to grow from seed. Growth Technology Clonex & Root Riot root cubes are a popular and effective way to clone plants.


What is Clonex?

Clonex is a rooting gel that is applied to the cut end of a plant cutting. It contains hormones that help to stimulate root growth.


What is Root Riot?

Root Riot is a sterile, peat-based medium that is designed to promote root growth. It is made from a blend of organic materials that are inoculated with beneficial bacteria and fungi.


How to Use Clonex & Root Riot

To use Clonex & Root Riot to make perfect clones, you will need the following:

  • A sharp knife or shears
  • Clonex rooting gel
  • Root Riot cubes
  • A propagation tray
  • A grow light



  1. Take a healthy cutting from a mother plant. The cutting should be about 4-6 inches long and have at least 3 nodes.
  2. Dip the cut end of the cutting in Clonex rooting gel.
  3. Place the cutting in a Root Riot cube.
  4. Water the Root Riot cube thoroughly.
  5. Place the propagation tray in a warm, humid environment.
  6. Keep the propagation tray out of direct sunlight.



If your clones are not rooting, there are a few things you can check:

  • Make sure that the cutting is healthy.
  • Make sure that the Clonex rooting gel is applied correctly.
  • Make sure that the Root Riot cubes are moist, but not soggy.
  • Make sure that the propagation tray is in a warm, humid environment.



Using Growth Technology Clonex & Root Riot root cubes is a great way to make perfect clones. With a little care and attention, you will be able to propagate your favorite plants quickly and easily.


Here are some additional tips for using Clonex & Root Riot:

  • Use a sharp knife or shears to make a clean cut on the plant cutting.
  • Apply a generous amount of Clonex rooting gel to the cut end of the cutting.
  • Press the cutting firmly into the Root Riot cube.
  • Water the Root Riot cube thoroughly.
  • Place the propagation tray in a warm, humid environment.
  • Keep the propagation tray out of direct sunlight.

With a little care and attention, you will be able to make perfect clones using Clonex & Root Riot.